How It Works

To Nag.Today & Connect Your Google Calendar

You will need a Gmail account. Don’t have one? Click here to create one for free.

You want one Calendar per child. Click here to create new calendars.

Once you’re done setting your new Calendars, Click here to sign-in with Nag.Today.

1. Get A Unique Link For Each Child

Within our Dashboard, you will be shown a list of your Google Calendars.

Check the ones you want to connect to Nag.Today, we will generate a Unique URL per child!

There is no limit to how many calendars you can connect to Nag.Today

2. Install Google Chrome on Your Child’s Computer / Laptop

Our current extension only supports Google Chrome. We’re working on supporting other browsers such as FireFox as well.

Follow our News Feed here for an announcement on new browser support.

3. Paste The URL Into Your Child’s Google Chrome Browser

Once the extension is installed, you’re ready to go!

Go on, give it a try. Create an event for 5 minutes from now, to this URL: (Put this in the “Location” field)

Need help? We’re here for you!